Privacy policy
Your password is being considered as private information. Do not say it to anyone and when using take necessary measures to ensure secrecy and make sure that surrounding people do not see your password. In case of any suspicions, please provide information to the bank in this regard.
If you come across something suspicious in ATM, change your plan and inform the bank about it. Make sure that there are no suspicious persons around you.
In cases when your card is stuck or is held in ATM, do not accept help from the persons who want to help you under no circumstances. Do not answer positively to offers of help in no case and in these cases immediately inform the bank about it. Do not trust those, who offer you help by giving you their telephone.
When making a call from the phones that belong to other persons and which can be used by everyone, dial the number yourself and make sure that you dial the number correctly.
Yapı Kredi Bank Azerbaijan takes all the necessary measures to protect the secrecy of the data that you use in the Internet and Mobile banking.
From the point of view of safety of the data that is used on our internet page, our bank protects the system and internet infrastructure on the appropriate level.
Unauthorized access to the data which our clients share with us is restricted for everyone including personnel of Yapı Kredi Bank Azerbaijan.
Yapı Kredi Bank Azerbaijan does not share the above-mentioned information with any third person, organization or institution without client’s consent or in cases not envisaged in the legislation.Personal data protection information is available on our website, where the collection, purpose, sharing, and other aspects of such data are reflected.
Yapı Kredi Bank Azerbaijan demands compliance with the bank privacy standards and terms from the persons and institutions that the bank accepts supporting services from.
For additional information you can address the closest Yapı Kredi branch, Yapı Kredi Call Centre *0444 or bank’s social network addresses
If you are required to enter personal data or card information on the below-specified web-site, please, do not enter any card information and immediately inform the bank about it by calling *0444.
Dear Customers,
A malicious program called Ransomware is spread from the e-mail addresses listed below. For your safety it is recommended not to open e-mail received from the specified e-mail addresses.
For additional information you can address the nearest Yapı Kredi branch, Yapı Kredi Call Centre*0444 or bank’s social network addresses.
Dear Customers,
From the safety point of view it is recommended not to use plastic cards on the following web-pages.
For additional information you can address the nearest Yapı Kredi branch, Yapı Kredi Call Centre*0444 or bank’s social network addresses.
We are bringing to your notice that our bank does not realize information exchange with the clients through any web-site and our bank does not carry responsibility for any financial loss that can happen as a result of information exchange.
Thank you very much.